Poiema Foundation - Education and Public Awareness of Human Trafficking

Humans Trafficking 101 Registration

Human Trafficking 101

This class is strongly encouraged for anyone interested in serving with Poiema and required for anyone wishing to serve at our safe house. It covers a thorough description of domestic sex trafficking. Content includes common signs to recognize trafficked victims and their perpetrators, true stories of survivors, and how to be a part of the solution to this modern day slavery that runs rampant in our communities.

All classes are from 7:30pm - 9:00pm,  via Zoom.

IMPORTANT:  This course is different from our, “Human Trafficking Training for  Medical Professionals." This course does not fulfill the requirement for health care licensure renewal as outlined in House Bill 2059 (2019).

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. You will receive information about joining the zoom meeting after you have registered.